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1716--16th Avenue Northwest, Suite 310
Calgary, AB, T2M 0L7

(403) 370-2225

Dr. Ranson is a registered psychologist with 20 years of professional practice helping individuals and couples resolve their inner, interpersonal, or circumstantial difficulties to live happier, more satisfying, and more successful lives. See what she treats, review her approach, confirm her credentials, ask her a question, or book an appointment. 


Help that helps.

Michelle L Ranson, PhD -- Registered Psychologist, Calgary, Alberta. Counselling individuals and couples to overcome their inner, interpersonal, or circumstantial difficulties.  Help that helps, since 1994.

It's not easy when things have gotten so bad that you're considering "professional help."  You never imagined you'd find yourself  looking for a counsellor . . . and cherry-picking from a list of anonymous names in the Yellow Pages, or being randomly assigned to a psychotherapist from your company's "approved provider list" feels arbitrary and risky.

At stake is the hope of a more satisfying life, the achievement of self-improvement or improved circumstances, the need to save a marriage or improve a relationship, or to better support a troubled loved-one.  You want to know that the first counselor you see will be the right counsellor for you:  A psychologist who is not only qualified, but skilful, knowledgeable, respectful, supportive . . . and, most importantly, effective.  You need a therapist with the right kind of expertise, and the tools for transferring that knowledge to you.

For 20 years, I've been helping individuals and couples overcome their inner, interpersonal, or circumstantial difficulties to live happier, more successful, more satisfying lives.

Explore the list of what I treat.  Learn more about how I work.  Evaluate my qualifications.  See who's sought my input!   Find, on these pages, confirmation that you've come to the right place.  And encouragement to feel comfortable taking the next step

What is your next step?

Connect with me and I'll meet you there -- with help that helps.

Not sure?  

Contact me  for increased clarity.

Ready to get started?  

Book an appointment.

