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1716--16th Avenue Northwest, Suite 310
Calgary, AB, T2M 0L7

(403) 370-2225

Dr. Ranson is a registered psychologist with 20 years of professional practice helping individuals and couples resolve their inner, interpersonal, or circumstantial difficulties to live happier, more satisfying, and more successful lives. See what she treats, review her approach, confirm her credentials, ask her a question, or book an appointment. 


The following forms are in PDF format. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader.

Required Forms

Each person attending a counselling appointment must review and complete two required forms; the two have been formatted into a single document, entitled Required Forms.  After downloading the file and printing the document, please review and respond to its content, sometime prior to your initial appointment, and bring the completed forms with you when attending your first session. There is no need to submit the forms in advance of your arrival.

Download the Required Forms.

Important:   If you have questions, concerns, or confusion about any of the content composing the Required Forms -- particularly the information addressed within the 3-page Informed Consent -- please do not sign the form.  Instead, allow me to address your question or concern when we meet, and offer your consent only when you have received an explanation that satisfactorily resolves your concern.

Authorization to Release Confidential Information

This form is to be filled out only when you, the client, want me to speak with someone else about your participation in counselling.

Use this form to specify who you want me to talk to; it provides me with permission to talk only to the person you name.

Download the Release of Information Form.

Consent to the Treatment of a Minor Child

This form is to be filled out only when counselling services are being sought for a child under the age of 18. This document is to be completed by the legal guardian of the minor.

Please note that the Required Forms must also be completed, in addition to this form.

Download the Consent to the Treatment of a Minor Child Form.

Download the Required Forms.

