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1716--16th Avenue Northwest, Suite 310
Calgary, AB, T2M 0L7

(403) 370-2225

Dr. Ranson is a registered psychologist with 20 years of professional practice helping individuals and couples resolve their inner, interpersonal, or circumstantial difficulties to live happier, more satisfying, and more successful lives. See what she treats, review her approach, confirm her credentials, ask her a question, or book an appointment. 


Registered Psychologist

Alberta:  Registration #3050

Licensed as a mental health counsellor since 1996.


PhD in Clinical Psychology
Fielding Graduate University
Santa Barbara, CA

Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology
Fielding Graduate University
Santa Barbara, CA

Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology
Reformed Theological Seminary
Orlando, FL

Bachelors Degree in Communication
Florida Southern College
Lakeland, FL


  • Expertise with individuals and couples.
  • A mental health professional since 1994, holding licenses to practice in both Alberta and the United States.
  • Expertise in treating mood disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety), trauma/abuse recovery, the development of improved self-esteem, and relationship issues (e.g., couples counselling, communication, trust issues, intimacy issues).
  • Adjunct Professor of university-level and graduate-level coursework in psychology, psychotherapy, and psychological assessment.