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1716--16th Avenue Northwest, Suite 310
Calgary, AB, T2M 0L7

(403) 370-2225

Dr. Ranson is a registered psychologist with 20 years of professional practice helping individuals and couples resolve their inner, interpersonal, or circumstantial difficulties to live happier, more satisfying, and more successful lives. See what she treats, review her approach, confirm her credentials, ask her a question, or book an appointment. 

Contact Me

Following are my business phone and email address, the physical address of my psychotherapy practice and the corresponding Google map.  Buttons for my Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts invite you to Follow Me, and enable content to be shared between these social platforms and this site.  Most directly, the submission form, below, alerts me that you have Taken Your Next Step, by contacting me with your question or requestI will respond ASAP, meeting you at your need -- with help that helps!


Office Location

609 - 14th Street NW
Campana Place, Suite #501
Calgary, AB   T2N 2A1

Phone:  (403) 608-3489


Hours:   Sessions are available during daytime and evening hours, Monday through Friday.

Fees:     My hourly fees are set in accordance with the rates recommended by the Psychologists' Association of Alberta.

  • Fee for individual session: $200.00 / hr.

  • Fee for couples session:    $220.00 / hr.

  • Fees are payable, at each session, by cash, cheque, or on-line INTERAC® E-Transfer. 

  • Extended health care plans generally cover psychotherapy services.  Your receipt, provided at each session in exchange for payment, may be submitted to your provider to request reimbursement, according to the terms of your coverage. 

Take your next step . . .
